Tuesday, July 13, 2004

A whistling nose...

Okay, this may or may not be of interest to you -- it's actually kind of gross, if you think about it too much, so don't do that --but I wanted to write about it because it triggered a very funny memory for me from childhood.

Today, because I'm getting a cold or my sinuses are bothering me, my nose is totally whistling, despite all efforts with mass amounts of decongestant to stop it! And I hate nose whistling. My husband will tell you that I've actually woken him up from a sound sleep (usually when he's sick) to tell him that his nose whistling is keeping me awake.

Sometimes you can even hear it on music tracks on the radio. There's one Matchbox Twenty song out now where if you're quiet, you can hear Rob Thomas's nose whistle when he inhales before he starts to sing each verse. It drives me crazy!!! My husband, by the way, thinks I'm nuts for noticing this. I can't think of the name of the song, but if I remember, I'll post it here and see if you guys can hear it too!

Harrison Ford, one of the most gorgeous older men I can think of, is a chronic nose whistler, especially as he's gotten older. I'm serious. Listen to him breathe on movies like Six Days and Seven Nights or What Lies Beneath. Not so much on the Indiana Jones movies and not at all in Star Wars. So, I'm thinking it has something to do with age. Like an increased amount of nose hairs could be a factor in this -- Okay, now you know I'm crazy that I think about all these things?!?

But this leads me to a funny memory of my grandpa, my dad's dad. When I was little, I don't know exactly how old, I once looked up at my grandpa and asked him,"Why do you have hair in your nose?"

My mother promptly emitted a horrified, "Stacey!"

But my grandpa took it all in stride. He laughed, then said, "To keep the flies out."

That still totally cracks me up even today. But it made sense to me at the time. It was kind of a funny answer, but as a kid you're like, *shrug* "Okay, if you say so, I'll believe it."

Maybe you have to have known my grandpa to think it was funny, but maybe not. Just thought I'd share that funny/bizarre memory today! Part of writing is putting things down on the page so you don't forget. This is one I don't want to forget : )

I'm actually thinking about chickening out now and not publishing this, because people will think I'm too weird or gross or whatever. So, if you're reading this, I must have gathered up enough courage to post it!

Talk to you tomorrow.


Michelle D. Bailey STL said...

Thank you......THANK YOU!!! My 28 year old Daughter were talking about the ROB THOMAS NOSE WHISTLE everyone says we're crazy too. BUT its is TRUE! How did it get missed in studio? The song is BACK TO GOOD.....Nose WHISTLE or not. The song is awesome and Rob Thomas SCHWINNNG!

Michelle D. Bailey STL said...

Thank you......THANK YOU!!! My 28 year old Daughter were talking about the ROB THOMAS NOSE WHISTLE everyone says we're crazy too. BUT its is TRUE! How did it get missed in studio? The song is BACK TO GOOD.....Nose WHISTLE or not. The song is awesome and Rob Thomas SCHWINNNG!