Sunday, April 29, 2007


I had two and 1/8 butterscotch martinis last night. Or, butterscotch "RTinis" as I dubbed them last night in a fit of drunken genius because, for whatever reason, it has been "the" drink of the convention and the hotel bar actually admitted they made it up. They are so good.

Also, I was just buzzed enough to ask one of the cover models to come over and take a picture with us. He said he would. He didn't. Probably all for the best. Funniest part is, I knew I would be embarrassed about it in the morning, but I couldn't be bothered with being embarrassed at the time. As I told my friend Kat, my "inhimbitions" were lowered. Yeah. No more "RTinis" for me.

Okay, more later...I had never laughed so hard in my whole life last night, and that was even before the drinking started. : )

Saturday, April 28, 2007

RT Update

Greetings from Houston! I'm having a great time, and can't wait to tell you guys all about it when I get back. As you can see, it's really late and I have to be up super early, but I just wanted to say I am having a total blast. : )

I always forget how much fun I have being with other writers and readers. It's such a relief to talk to other writers and find out I'm not the only neurotic and weird one. Some of us make our living being neurotic and weird!

More later...

Monday, April 23, 2007

So excited!

I can't write for very long tonight as I'm running around like crazy, trying to pull together all my last minute items for the big Romantic Times convention Houston. I leave tomorrow—eek. I hate flying!

By the way, if you're in the Houston area, come visit me this week!!! The convention keeps us pretty busy during the week, but on Saturday, there's a giant book fair, full of big name authors, that's open to the public for, like, $5. You may even see some of us on TV. : )

So, as some of you already know, I got some big news late last week. Echelon Press, the company that will be publishing Bitter Pill in May 2008, has just signed The Silver Spoon for re-release! I'm so excited!!! Echelon has been fabulous to work with. They totally kicked into high gear to get me awesome covers for both books before RT—how cool is that?!? (Check out my new covers below.)

The Silver Spoon will be out in June 2007. The sequel, tentatively titled Eye of the Beholder, could be out as soon as Fall 2007, depending on sales, of course.

So here's my plea to you *grin*--if you've thought about buying The Silver Spoon but haven't yet, wait a few more weeks and get the brand-spanking new version. I really want to kick butt in sales, not just so that Echelon will want to keep working with me (though, clearly that's a big part of it) but also because I really want to get that sequel out there as quickly as possible for all of you who've been waiting and asking for it.

For those of you who already own a copy, thank you so much for your patience and support over the years—I wouldn't be here without you!

Also, I want to make an offer. If you know someone you think might enjoy one of my books and you want to send them a bookmark or postcard to let them know about it, email me. I would love to send you bookmarks, postcards, etc. to give out to anyone who's interested. Same goes for your local libraries and bookstores. If they'll let you leave bookmarks there, email me and I'll send you some. : )

Signed books make great gifts too. : ) If you want to get a signed book as a gift, email me and we can figure something out. At the least, I can send you a bookplate—signed stickers that go in the front of a book with a personal message.

Finally, if you're in a group of some kind (book club, Rotary, etc.) and you need a speaker, I'm more than happy to travel in the Chicago-land area to talk on all sorts of topics. If you're outside the area and want discussion questions for your book club, email me and I can pull those together for you as well! : )

Okay, more later, but my as yet unpacked clothing is calling to me! Did I mention that I'm going as a tavern wench this year? : ) And yep, I'm bringing my camera. If you're really good while I'm gone, I'll bring you back pictures of the shiny and muscle-y, half-naked cover models that will be walking about.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Quick note

Just a quick note as it's waaaay after midnight and I should already be in bed. You guys--I had the best time tonight at my Echelon Press meeting. Once again, I was so impressed and awed by the amount of work my publisher puts into working with the authors and promoting the books. And the other So much knowledge, so many things to learn. : ) Will write more later!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

New website coming soon

Hey everybody,
Take a look at the new site. It will eventually be under my current domain name, but I'm still working on it, so it's not live there yet. Also, I have yet to figure out to get my blog on there, but I'm hoping Ed can help me figure that out! : )

Tell me what you think! Is there anything else that should be there? Is something there that shouldn't be? Let me know.