Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Naked eyes...

Okay, so it's already more than halfway through the day and I just realized when I went to fix my hair in the mirror that I'd forgotten to apply mascara. I have eyeshadow and eyeliner on, but no mascara, which I need because I have practically invisible eyelashes. So, now it looks really strange, but no one has said anything. I'm not sure if that makes me feel better or worse! : ) I must have been distracted this morning when getting ready.

And I know why...

I'm $#%$# (insert your own curse word here to get an idea of my frustration level) stuck again on my current project. The logical part of my brain is telling me to relax and it will eventually work itself out. This happens to me at least three or four times per draft. Keep gnawing away at it and eventually something breaks free and everything proceeds like there was never a problem to begin with. But every time this happens, I torture myself by wondering what if this is the one time I won't be able to get unstuck? Ugh, even writing that down freaks me out. What's especially frustrating is that it's a particularly key moment (it usually is, just because there are these key moments where everything's coming together -- or not-- and that's when big things are supposed to happen that change the course of everything, turning points, if you will, and if you panic right then, it's hard to know where to go because sometimes momentum can keep you going, if you have the right direction) and because I'm soooooo close. It's one thing if this happens on page five. It's different if it's 3/4 of the way through a draft, you know?

Oh, well. I'll keep gnawing away and hopefully something will break free and I can keep moving again.

Talk to you tomorrow.


Stacey said...

Yes, the curse of being a natural red-head!!! I spent the first twelve odd years of my life with practically invisible eyebrows as well. I use brown mascara too. The black is way too shocking against my blinding white skin : ) As it is people shield their eyes when I'm in direct sunlight!

Anonymous said...

Ugh, you poor thing, I totally get the frozen mid-writing thing. I've got two mss right now, 3/4 of the way through and I just had to put both aside because I'm really, really stuck. I know how they should end, what should go in the middle...but those spaces between the middle and the end have a tendency to be my worst moments...yuck!

To get past my frustration I've started writing a new ms, which surprisingly, is going very smooth for me. Though, I say that and I'm only at page 50. LOL. However, I'm hopeful, and I know I'll get back to my last two novels once I figure out where I went wrong. They're both good ideas, and good books, so I know it's a little something I must have goofed up on. Anyhow, lots of luck with that.

And, I don't have the eyelash problem...hehehe, being hispanic has its advantages. ;)

Stacey said...

Hi Clara!
That's so good that you can move on to something else temporarily. I hope to one day be able to do that. But right now, I'm too afraid that I'll get wrapped up in the new thing and not go back. So, stuck I shall stay until I figure out what to do to unstick myself... : )