Monday, February 04, 2008


I did something last night I haven't done since college: I fell asleep while writing.
Not typing, mind you. Oh, no, I've done the head bobbing downward toward sleep at the keyboard plenty of times over the years since then. But last night, I was writing with a pen and notebook--yeah, I'm old fashioned that way sometimes.
I was sitting in the big comfy chair in my office (mistake one) with my feet up (mistake two), taking notes on some revisions I'm going to make. I'd been at a conference all weekend, getting up early and staying up late (not a mistake, but a contributing factor for sure). And it was 11:30 at night and I was in my new flannel pajama pants and fleece shirt (exactly how was I planning to stay awake is now my question).
Anyway, I was doing the head bob thing and feeling that momentary blast of adrenaline that comes when you wake yourself up after those little micro naps, so I convinced myself I was still awake enough to keep going. Until, during one lucid moment, I looked down and saw that I'd written words that made no sense in the context of what I was doing. I was dream writing or something.
In my notes on a story, I'd written "Creating RWA..." without any recollection of doing so. Unlike college, however, where notes I took in an 8 a.m. history class often resembled a failing EKG readout, these were perfectly legible and normal words. RWA was even all caps as it's supposed to be.
RWA is Romance Writers of America, an organization I belong to. I'd spent some time talking with various other members over the course of the weekend. No idea what the "creating" was all about. The weirdest part was, like I said, I had no memory of writing the words or even what bizarre dream thoughts triggered such words.
Anybody else ever dream write? Is that even a real thing? I'm just making up terms now. : )
Should have Florida post(s) and pictures up soon. This weekend at the latest. I really want to go over my Donald Maass notes and post the relevant thoughts/points. Not just because it might be helpful to someone else out there, but also because it'll make it easier for me to find them later when I inevitably misplace the notebook I wrote them in. : )
Hope you all are surviving your February so far. We've got about eight inches of snow on the ground. Actually, it's less now that it's started to rain, thunder and lightning. My mom says their forecaster called this "thundersnow." I told her I felt pretty certain "thundersnow" was a sign of the coming apocalypse. But we're under a winter storm watch tomorrow evening for another 6 inches or more of snow. I'm awfully darn sick of this.


Anonymous said...

Ok so when I told you how to take a nap like in college, I guess I forgot to put in the part about putting your stuff down first :).


P.S. - Mom is crazy... thundersnow? ummm the stork brought me, I don't know about you.

Lisa Shearin said...

We'd love to trade our weather for some of your snow. It's in the 70s here in North Carolina. Tomorrow it's gonna be danged near 80.

Stacey said...

You got a deal! : ) I'll take 80, as long as I have central A/C.

We now have 12 to 14 inches of snow on the ground, and I'm starting to think of the sun only as a distant memory.

I'm thinking of inventing a cryo-chamber myself (those lazy scientists--why can't they get those working?) just so I can wake up in April. : )

Lisa Shearin said...

It's 63 and sunny here today. After the "cold" front comes through, it'll be in the 50s. Jeez. Trees are starting to bud, and the birds are terribly confused.

Per your comment on my blog, my greyhounds love curling up in our two big, overstuffed armchairs. There's barely enough room, but they love it. All Andy wants is for you to sit on the couch with him so he can put his head in your lap or on your chest. What a snuggle bunny! ; )