Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Yes, I am a freak.

I have this weird thing about diseases. It's a combination of overactive imagination and anxious tendencies. Whatever disease read about, hear about, whatever, I inevitably begin to see said symptoms in me. It's a pain in the ass, but most of the time, I can manage it by just avoiding books, movies, tv shows, where a character is suffering from a specific fatal disease that I could conceivably contract. They're usually depressing anyway, so I don't feel like I'm missing too much. Life is real enough. I like my fiction, whether on screen or on the page, to be an escape.
But, alas, this week I was ambushed! I picked up a book that looked interesting and remembered, vaguely, that I'd decided against reading it before for some unknown reason. Well, this time, I decided to just go for it. Yep, major character, approximately my age, dead from an undiagnosed brain tumor. Fab. u. lous.
Can I tell you that it took me approximately 10 seconds after discovering this to start seeing mysterious spots and convince myself that my regular old migraine headache (which I've been getting for years) had to be "symptoms"?" Arggh.
I want warning labels, people.


Green Bee said...

It's not a tumor!

Lisa Shearin said...

LOL!! It must be a "writer thing" because I'm exactly the same way. I love "House" but that is a dangerous show to watch. ; )

I can't wait to meet you at the RT Con! I'll be arriving in time to come to Linnea's Intergalactic Bar & Grill party on Wednesday. See you there!


Sam said...

I'm the saem! LOL. When I was a kid my father called me a hypochondriac - I had to look up the meaning. It sounded like a disease, so I panicked. I'm still the same, so I try not to read about any sicknesses. But I love Dr. House!

Stacey said...

I love House too, but I haven't been able to watch it since the episode where Dr. Foreman messed up and killed that woman because he thought she had cancer and she had an infecion instead...and he obliterated her immune system.


No, no medical shows for me. It's a bummer because I LOVE Hugh Laurie as House. Oh, well!

Anonymous said...

It's so funny how we are completely opposite. Mom makes fun of me because if anything is wrong with me I just wait and pray it will go away, that it is nothing serious! lol Interesting the differences :)
