Friday, April 25, 2008

Stephenie Meyer

I loved Twilight. If you haven't read it, you must! It's romantic, beautiful and sexy...without being sexual. Not sure how to describe it. It's a novel about resisting, I guess, and there's much deliciousness in that. I loaned it to my sister a couple of summers ago, along with a few other books, and it was the only one that I put a post-it on the inside of the front cover (I do NOT write in books) that said, "Return Me to Stacey." She also has a really cool "adult" novel coming out in a couple of weeks called The Host. At RT, one of the booksellers had an advance (or is it advanced? I'm never sure) copy, and I was embarrassingly close to salivating over it. : )
Anyway, I was reading a very interesting article comparing her to J.K. Rowling on and found this quote, which I loved:
" And people do not want to just read Meyer's books; they want to climb inside them and live there...There's no literary term for the quality Twilight and Harry Potter (and The Lord of the Rings) share, but you know it when you see it: their worlds have a freestanding internal integrity that makes you feel as if you should be able to buy real estate there."
I love that quality about certain books and what I've read of Stephenie Meyers definitely has it. That is what I want for the books that I write. I want readers to care about the people that inhabit the pages and wish to visit them again and again...or possibly become neighbors. : )


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