Saturday, August 04, 2007

Update from St. Louis

Just hanging out here with Isabo, taking a bit of rest before we head out for the final night of Archon. It has been sooo much fun! I was very nervous before coming here because I wasn't sure how my books and writing would viewed. Some people don't like romance in their science fiction, just as some people don't like science fiction in their romance. You know, the whole peanut butter in my chocolate thing.

But everyone has been so amazingly warm and welcoming. And you guys, I saw Richard Hatch yesterday! The Richard Hatch, the original Apollo from the original BSG and Tom Zarek from the new version. Seriously. I walked by close enough to pinch him...not that I would have. : ) He looks exactly like he does on television.

Other than that, I've been attending panels, talking to people, learning new things and, of course, chatting and drinking! Hopefully, I will have pictures to share next week. I forgot my camera, believe it or not, and Linnea has been kind enough to take pictures of me so I have some to share. : )

The costumes here are spectacular, by the way. I've seen an entire Stargate team, Leeloo (from The 5th Element), Wesley from the Princess Bride, multiple Harry Potter types, and a couple of superheros I couldn't identify, not because their costumes weren't accurate but because my superhero knowledge is a bit lacking.

Must go now to get ready for dinner. More to come soon...
: )


Anonymous said...

Thank You for the picture! It was a pleasure. I will be picking up your book!

Anonymous said...

Stac, is that the same Richard Hatch from Survivor?


Stacey said...

Hi Steffie,
You are most welcome for the picture! Thanks for letting me take one with you. : ) The Fifth Element is one of my very favorite movies.

If you do decide to pick up my book, email me, okay? I'd love to know what you think of it! : )

Stacey said...

Hi Beck,
Somewhere, Richard Hatch's publicist is cringing. *grin*

Just teasing you...

Richard Hatch starred in the original Battlestar Galactica back in the late seventies and he plays a recurring role on the new BSG. Click on this link to see what he looks like. He's the older guy on the right.

I think the other Richard Hatch (the one from Survivor) is in jail for tax fraud or evasion! It's funny, though, that they have the same name. : ) And you are not the only person to ask me this question!