Don't know what my problem is, but I've really been missing my baby quite a lot lately. I think about her everyday, of course, but for some reason, the last couple of days have been a little harder.
I dreamed about her last night, that somebody found her somewhere and brought her back to us. Her leg, the one we had to amputate because of the cancer, had somehow grown back, though not completely. Her fur had that weird ripply coarseness that it did after it was shaved off her for her surgery. I woke up this morning still vividly remembering the feel of it under my fingers, like I'd just touched her.
It'll be four months tomorrow. God, this still sucks. I also just recently realized that I lost a lot of my pictures of her because I had them on this computer and not anywhere else. I do have prints of them--thank goodness--but that's it.
I just still miss her. I thought it was getting easier, but not so much. : (
I know exactly how you feel. Our first greyhound (Ricky) died suddenly while we were on vacation two years ago, while he was staying at our vet. He was a beautiful pure white hound, too. The autopsy revealed that it was probably a heart attack, and he died in his sleep. Then in June our boy Dodger died in my arms after either a heart attack or an aneurism. It was quick and he didn't suffer. But my husband and I have. So I know exactly how you feel. A month ago, we adopted Andy (he was one of the dogs displaced when the Melbourne, FL, track closed). He has been the most fabulous dog, no adjustment period, he just fit in immediately. Our little girl grey Gracie absolutely adores him (she was missing Dodger terribly).
We now have a happy, greyhound filled house again. : )
Yep, we added Walker to our family a couple of months ago. Joe picked him. : )
It was weird only having one greyhound in the house when you're used to two.
Walker is a bit of a head case...he chews on pens (not such a great thing in the house of a writer) and he's an absolute genius at finding the ones that have fallen by the wayside when I think I've picked them all up! But he's a happy boy and I think Joe is glad to have some company.
I just still miss my girl, you know? : )
I know exactly what you mean. We still miss our boys, and always will. We were going to wait a little longer before adopting another after Dodger died, but the house was just so quiet without a "big guy." It was just the ladies -- Gracie (girl grey) and Lucy (Jack Russell). No one was getting into trouble, no one was getting rambunctous and out of control, no one was skidding across the hardwood floors like a maniac. Just way too quiet. Now we have "Nimble Andy". The house is full of barking, playing and yelling again. It's a beautiful thing. : )
BTW -- My webguru is updating my site this weekend, and I'm having him add your site to my author LINKS list on my blog.
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