Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sarah Connor Chronicles: Strange Things Happen at the One-Two Point

If you haven't watched yet, don't read on but...
I KNEW it. I called it. Well, okay, not really, but it did always strike me as odd how Riley approached John. I just couldn't figure out how the machines were involved. And, of course, as we found out last night, they're not. But Riley is still a liar and TROUBLE. I'm intrigued by the fact that she's from the future and sort of being shoved (by Jesse) toward John. I mean, the John she would know, if she knows him at all, would be in his forties. How mind-twisty is that? I did not get the impression last night that Riley was particularly thrilled with her assignment either. I wonder what they said to her to make her go along with this plan. Was it, "We need you to seduce John Connor to save us all"? Or "Hey, come with me and you'll get to the mall before it was a work camp"?  
But this brings up all those interesting points made over at TWOP about there being signs of a division both on the human side and the machine side. Some of the humans aren't so sure John's got it all together anymore. Some of the machines are thinking maybe they shouldn't wipe everyone out. Shades of BSG, if you ask me. A story is far more interesting when you cannot tell who the "good" guys are from the "bad" guys. Or, if they are really taking a page from BSG, everyone will turn out to be a little of both.
I am supremely happy that Cameron is turning out to be a central part of the equation rather than just a handy, nearly indestructible nursemaid/love interest for John. Gives her, as I've said before, more skin in the game, so to speak. And she is, due to some combination of writing and Summer Glau's amazing ability to convey freaky machineness with something other, completely un-pin-down-able. I cannot figure out what her end game is...and I love that.
I do hope they're going to be allowed to finish out the season, at least. I need to know how this is going to turn out. Was it a mistake for Derek to confess that he's John's uncle? Does he really trust her now? I know we're supposed to think he does (hence the whole toothbrush story--someone on the writing staff obviously really has issues with sharing toothbrushes because Derek got busted using Sarah's last year, remember?), but I SO get the sense that Derek would not be surprised by her betrayal. One of the things I like about that character (and I'm both shocked and pleased that BAG continually pulls it off) is that he's so damaged and cynical. Never imagined that the actor who played David Silver would have that capacity. Thank goodness my small mindedness in this respect was not shared by others in charge of the show. He's fantastic!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Such a girly thing...but I can't wait.

I read Twilight back in 2005, I think, right when it first came out. Loaned it to my sister, who was, at the time, still in high school. We both agreed we loved it. My mom read it last summer at my sister's encouragement.
Here's a fun article from Time about why this book (and hopefully, the movie as well) works. I'm trying to organize a Twilight-movie outing over Thanksgiving break with my mom, my sister and me. And my sister-in-law as well, if she's interested--though I know she wants to read the book first. The guys can stay at home and watch football! :)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

National Buy A Book Day (Credit to Barbara Vey)

It's no big surprise to anyone that the economy sucks. Occasionally, I wish I could find a rock large enough to hide under so I wouldn't be quite so aware of this.
Publishing, once thought to be recession proof (ha, like the idiots who called Titanic unsinkable, most likely--if we learn nothing else, can we please acknowledge now that NOTHING is recession proof?), is struggling along with everyone else. October was a bad, bad month. Layoffs, publishers closing, horrible quarterly results, etc. 
I bring this up because Linnea Sinclair sent me a link to a blog that not only explained why this is the case but also gave us a way to do something about it.  How refreshing. Not just a rehashing of what exactly is screwed up and how terrible it is, but a way to feel like you're doing something to make it better.
And it's simple, really. If you love books, buy a book this week. I know we're all watching our budgets very closely. Myself included. I was a three or four book a week junkie, and right now, I'm hitting the library so hard I actually had to change libraries (long story) to get more selection. But I'm buying a book this week. (I'm so excited--it's been so long!) Doesn't even matter what kind, just buy a book.
If you find it hard to buy a book for yourself, buy a book for a holiday gift.  Nothing says Happy Holidays like a hardcover! :)
I want publishers to be able to continue taking risks on new authors and not just for my own selfish purposes, either. I love nothing more than discovering a new voice, a new name to seek out on the shelves.
Also, check out Barbara Vey's blog, About Her Book, which focuses on this topic today as well.  

Friday, November 07, 2008

From my rescue organization...but what's funny is I thought the same thing!

Okay, if this works, you'll see an Obama poster with greyhounds above. If not, then you probably won't see it because I'll delete it and try again!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Watching the results, Sarah Connor Chronicles, random stuff...

Am sick, but I'm laying (lying? Was never good at that one) here on the couch, laptop on my lap and watching the results come in. This is very cool, watching history happen no matter which way this turns out. This is officially the first time I've ever cared enough about an election to be multi-media about it. I'm watching on television and checking the live blog on The entertainment blogger, James Poniewozik, is contributing to the blog, and I look forward to reading his blog, Tuned In, every day. He's cracking me up in the live blog as well!
In other news...did anybody think Sarah Connor Chronicles was kind of lame last night? I love this show with a fervor generally reserved for Battlestar Galactica, especially those with a Kara/Lee storyline, but last night just And I swear, I'm not saying that just because Riley was in it. I don't like this Jessie storyline for Derek. It's irritating me because it's so clear that she's up to no good. I'm hoping Derek is just playing along or I'm going to lose faith in him. Also, virtually no Cameron/John scenes. I miss those. The Ellison story is finally getting a little interesting, I think.
Shirley Manson is doing quite well, I think, at portraying a machine. Even her motions are clipped and mechanical. Awesome!
Best line from Cameron: "Nobody likes a nag." Hee.
Other stuff...listening to my first audio book--The Rules of Survival by Nancy Werlin--from the library. It was frustrating at first because it was so SLOW, but then I put it in the CD player again on my way home and found you just have to adjust to being read to instead of reading to yourself (which happens much faster usually). Any books you all particularly recommend as audio books?
I'm also excited that one of my favorite YA authors and fellow Chicagoan, Simone Elkeles, has a new book, Perfect Chemistry, coming out next month!
Okay, done rambling for now...more later!
:) Stacey

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Have to share a dog picture...

Walker, chilling out in my writing room on a Sunday afternoon. His balance is remarkable, isn't it?
(Not sure if this will work as this is a photo from my phone, but we're giving it a try!)