Monday, September 13, 2004

Book Signing(s)!

Okay, it's now confirmed. I'll be taking part in Local Author Night at the Peoria Barnes and Noble on Thursday, September 23rd!!!! Yea! Thanks to my mom and dad and everyone else in Peoria who helped make this a possibility.

I'll be there starting at 7:00 on the 23rd. If you're going to be in the Peoria area at all (or you don't mind a drive!), please stop by. Because that's my next fear...I finally get in and no one shows up!

Stacy G. will be coming with me too -- so nice of her. So those faithful readers who've been hearing about her for so long will finally get to meet her : ) My husband will be working, unfortunately, and not able to attend.

I'm also working right now with the Borders in Peoria, with the possibility of signings in Champaign and Normal as well. I'm hoping that success in some of these locations will make it easier to get signings in the Chicago area as well!

Talk to you tomorrow!

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