Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Interview Questions for Twench

Interview Meme Rules are as follows: You comment on this entry requesting an interview. I respond with five questions. The questions will theoretically be tailored to you based on what I know of you (or want to know). You copy and paste those questions into your own journal, and write the answers, along with these rules. Anyone wanting an interview from you continues the game by requesting an interview from you.

1) Do you remember how/when we first met, like the specific moment? If so, do tell.

2) What year in your life would you live over again and why?

3) If you were a woman, which Ghostbuster (Egon, Ray, Peter or Winston) would you be most attracted to and why?

4) What do you miss most about your life pre-kid(s)?

5) What's the best dream you've ever had? (I mean an actual dream versus a dream like an aspriational goal--this would be like the time in high school when I had a tantalizingly short dream in which I was kissing Dylan from 90210...and then my alarm went off.)

Bonus Question! Why are the archives not working on my blog? Do you know? : )

Anyone else want an interview? Let me know! I'm happy to oblige--I love finding out new things about people. : ) Plus, I'm really, really nosy.

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