Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas 2007--I love funny clothing!

So, apparently family and friends are concerned about my ability to express my true feelings about things...hence the theme in my gifts this year! (Sorry about the rather, uh, chest-y nature of the pictures--that's what happens when you're taking pictures of yourself and you want the funny sayings to actually be readable! So, no comments from the peanut gallery [by which I mean you, Edward. *grin*])

I love the black and white statement of this. Consider yourself warned!

My thoughts exactly!

A gift from my sister--yes, indeedy, we do!

My dad actually has a picture of me holding this sweatshirt and pointing to something in the distance. Yeah, we're weird, but funny. At least to each other!


Anonymous said...

Hey Stace,

Where are your b-day t-shirts? Are the not chest-worthy (I mean post-worthy)? :)


The not-quite-as-chesty, I mean post-worthy, Stacy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah thats our family right there... not only the sayings on the t-shirts either I'm afraid.

The sister from the same gene pool, I mean
Susan :)

Stacey said...

Birthday t-shirts are up next! : ) Took me a bit to master the art of taking a picture of myself and having the words being readable.

Anonymous said...

Very nicely the sayings too!
