Monday, June 28, 2004

Another Monday...

Last week at this time, I was on vacation. I think I liked that much better than being at work : )

My thanks to everyone who sent emails to me after reading the first chapter of The Silver Spoon. Anytime I put something out there, whether it's on this site or sending something for publication, I'm always nervous about whether people will like it or not. So those emails you sent really made me feel better!

My postcards and bookmarks should be here sometime this week, just in time for my conference next week. I'm so excited! I saw the bookplate and key chain layout today and they look great too. So, very soon, we'll have some stuff for giveaways/contests. Plus, my publisher is planning to create some Silver Spoon specific merchandise -- tshirts, mugs, that sort of thing.

A question...
Do you think things are meant to be? That if something is destined to happen, it will? Sometimes I get so tired of worrying about screwing things up. I can only do my best, right? Yet, sometimes it really feels like your best isn't good enough, 20/20 hindsight and all that. Course, I do believe that God is watching out for us and keeping a hand in things, so maybe that's my answer.

Just some deep, self-involved pondering for a Monday afternoon...: ) I promise to keep it to a minimum from now on!
Talk to you tomorrow!

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