Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Random stuff

-I bought my first Tegan and Sara song--I know, I know, I know--a couple of weeks ago. I love it. Ed recommended them to me probably a year ago and I never got around to looking them up. But I heard this one on Veronica Mars and really liked it so I went out and bought it. Any other songs by them I should have?

-Last night's House...what Foreman said to Cameron at the end. Wow. Not untrue, exactly, but a lot harsher than most people would have put it. Very character-defining moment for both of them, I think. I'm kind of hoping she'll get a little tougher--not that she's afraid to stand up for what she believes in--but it's hard to keep seeing her expecting the best of people and only getting the worst.

-I'm in that weird lull now that I've sent Bitter Pill out. I think Stacy G. is right. I'm happiest, kind of, when I'm running around with my hair on fire. I still have my mystery project going, but I'm making notes on a totally different project now as well. Can't seem to do just one thing at a time. The note making stage is always fun because it's pure potential. You haven't worked out all the things you can't do, due to logistics, story-coherence, character consistency, etc., yet.

All right, I'm leaving before it starts to rain. I forgot my jacket this morning and my umbrella will help...once I get out to the car where I left it. : )

1 comment:

Eddie said...

Congrats on the new tune. Walking with the Ghost is pretty good and gets the most airplay. I actually have the CD if you would like to borrow it.