Thursday, April 27, 2006

Random stuff

-I just read The Pleasure Slave by Gena Showalter. Loved it. It's been a long time since I read a pure romance book. I mean, this is paranormal romance--hot guy trapped in a jewelry box for all eternity until he falls in love--but the primary story is about the two people falling in love. Rather than trying to save the world and falling in love or stopping the robbery of some precious artifact and falling in love. I really, really liked it. I thought it was very funny and the characters were well-drawn. So check it out at the above link. This is one of the advantages to library-going. I'm checking out books I probably wouldn't buy because I haven't read the author before, and in doing so, I'm making some great discoveries.

-Sat at my first open house last weekend to help out my husband. As I'm not a real estate agent, I couldn't answer any questions or anything, but that was okay because nobody really came through. It struck me, though, as I sat there, writing and reading on someone else's sofa, how much we trust real estate agents. I mean, seriously, this is someone you only sort of know and you're allowing them to sit in your house unattended and asking them to let in other strangers as well. Weird, when you think about it, right?

-I figured it out this morning. I have only nineteen days of work left at my day job. That doesn't include the four days I'm taking off for RT or Memorial Day. Nineteen. That's it. After almost seven years...I feel both free and terrified at the same time. Stacy G. describes it as just cresting the top of a hill in a roller coaster. You know the ride is about to start and it's going to take your breath away, but you're caught in this almost endless moment of fear and joy and anticipation and...did I mention fear? : )

I've decided that I need to get my little home office area set up. I have one for writing books but I feel like I need a separate area for my corporate stuff, just to help me keep the correct focus at any given time.

-Turned on HBO last night to find myself in the middle of The Wrath of Khan (otherwise known as Star Trek II) and at my very favorite (read with sarcasm) part...where the wiggly bug worms crawl out of Chekov and the other guy's ear. Well, technically, the other guy offs himself before the bug worm crawls out, but I'm fairly certain that's what would have happened. I don't remember if I saw this one in the theater. I kind of doubt it and yet, somehow the creepy bug worms have been in my memories of Star Trek for many, many years. Like before they had movie rental stores. So that baffles me. I'll have to check with my parents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe it was on cable at your house or at your friend-with-cable's house? I, too, have strong strong memories of this scene, but I *know* I did not see it in the theater. So I've concluded that I saw it at my cousins' house, because They Had Cable First ;-)