Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Mer/Der--don't read if you haven't watched Grey's from last Sunday.

Okay, I admit my desire that Meredith and Derek get back together eventually occasionally colors the way I see certain things on Grey's Anatomy. But I found it interesting that the writer of last Sunday's episode thought that Addison deserved "a few moments of shower bliss with her dreamy hubbie" because she's trying to be a good person and she's just had a really bad day. All true. But am I the only one who read more into Derek's motives? I don't think he was doing that for Addison...was he? The timing of it strikes me as very suspicious. He sees Meredith wearing only the vet's shirt--and looking freshly-showered, I might add--and promptly runs home to his wife to offer her sex in the shower? He wasn't even listening to Addison--he was too busy taking his clothes off--talk about her bad day.

So, yeah, Addison had a crappy day and she might be a good person--I actually like her, oddly enough--but I contend that shower scene had nothing to do with Addison and everything to do with Meredith being semi-clad in the hot vet's office (to clarify...I'm saying the vet, played by Chris O'Donnell, is hot...I don't actually know about the temperature of his office).

Which I think only makes me feel even sorrier for Addison. Because...ouch. Your husband can only have hot sex with you after he's seen the woman he loves obviously just having stepped out of the shower and with another man? Not so much a compliment there and not much of a reward for a bad day, in my opinion. But I love how they're taking what could have been a "love to hate her" character in Addison and making her more real and more sympathetic, sometimes even more so than Meredith. Who is also very real and consequently sometimes very frustrating to watch.

Okay, and one other thing that's kind of bugging me. Dr. Dandridge (the hot vet) lives above his presumably room-temperature office. Fine. At the end of this particular episode, we're to assume that either Derek calls to let him know that Doc (the dog) is sick and he's bringing him over for Dr. Dandridge to check out or that Derek just shows up with the sick dog with him and rings the bell until Dr. Dandridge comes down.

Situation A. Derek calls. Meredith knows he's coming...and she walks down half-dressed anyway?!? Okay. Also, she asks, "Is he sick again?" Which, duh, of course he's sick. People don't make emergency visits (very expensive) to their vet's office for fun. If he called ahead of time and Dr. Dandridge let her know that Derek was coming, she'd already know Doc was sick. And you'd think she'd put more clothes on. There'd have to be some time delay between Derek calling and arriving, time enough to ask the hot vet for some sweatpants or something. Plus, she'd have to know what conclusion Derek would draw from her appearance and no matter what she says, I can't believe that she completely doesn't care about that yet. So that leads me to believe it could be Situation B.

Situation B. Derek shows up with a sick dog without calling first. This makes sense then that Meredith wouldn't be expecting him and wouldn't know what's wrong with Doc. It also make sense of her surprise at seeing Derek there (though she wasn't nearly surprised as he was to find her there). But again, you're on a date, you've just stepped out of the guy's shower and someone's knocking or ringing the bell downstairs with a work emergency. You would follow him down to the work emergency?!? Without being dressed??? Why? Why follow him? If you're going to follow him, perhaps with the hope of being helpful, why not throw on some pants? Or better yet, STAY UPSTAIRS.

Sorry. That one little moment just struck a weird note with me. Anybody else notice it? What do you think?

Yeah, I know. I think waaaay too much about this stuff.

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