Sunday, May 28, 2006

RT, Part Two

Sorry about that. Life suddenly intervened, tearing me away from this blog for a bit. I just finished my last full week of work at my day job and between making plans for the freelance business, packing up at work and recovering from RT...I didn't have time for much else!

I did, however, get another positive nibble on a query this week. Yea! So, I'll be keeping you posted on that as news develops.

I STILL cannot get my photos to load here properly, so unfortunately, photographic evidence of my adventures (me with a chocolate martini in one particular shot--wearing the necklace and earrings you made for me, Beck! I mean, I'm wearing them, not the martini) will have to wait until Ed, Master of All Things Technological, returns this week. Hmm, I think I'm going to make that his official title. His business cards would have his name followed by his title, MOATT for short. : )

But I can give you updates on the rest this way and then the pictures will show up eventually. Thursday morning I attended a terrific panel with Charlaine Harris, MaryJanice Davidson and Laurell K. Hamilton speaking. It was all about using humor in vampires books. I could have sat there and listened to them speak all day! They were hilarious. I made sure to stop by and say hi to Jon Green (LKH is his wife) afterward. They have both been so nice to me and really supportive over the years. Lovely people. : )

Then Linnea and I met up and took off for the mall and lunch away from the convention. Access to shopping while at RT is essential because it's guaranteed that you'll forget something. Heck, you're changing clothes three times a day. It's impossible to calculate all the stuff you'll need. After lunch at the Olive Garden--love those breadsticks--we returned to the hotel and I went and did my shift at Club RT. Club RT is basically a big room where all author gift baskets are displayed. Authors sign up for shifts and people who want to meet them come by and say hello. My gift basket, Hot Night of Alien Love, was well-received, I think. And I got to draw the name of the winner. I saw her later in line at another event and she was carrying around the shoulder bag I'd used to hold all the gift items together and then on Saturday, she wore the shirt with my book cover on it. How awesome is that?!? I have a picture of the two of us together and will post it as soon as I can.

Thursday night was the Vampires of the Carribean Ball. I wore my Morticia dress and actually had someone stop me and ask to take a picture of it. : ) I also got to meet Linnea's husband who was so nice! And very, very funny. One of those people who can say things with such a deadpan look that it's twice as funny as it would have been otherwise.

Friday was the only difficult day, programming-wise. They ran the paranormal romance sessions simultaneously with the sci-fi romance sessions, which is tricky because the audience for both of those overlap quite a bit. I attended the sci-fi sessions. Linnea was running the panel, and Kristin Nelson (Linnea's agent), Anne Groell (Linnea's editor), Rowena Cherry and Susan Kearney were all speaking. I'm glad I chose to attend these sessions as I left with a great deal of reassurance and validation that I was on the right track.

Okay, have to run now as I'm late for a wedding reception! I'll wrap up with details about the book fair and final parties when I return. Hopefully, I'll be able to do photos then too!

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