Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Another weird moment in an otherwise normal day...

I was walking to the printer (notice how many of my stories start this way, it's like Fun Bobby on Friends, only with a printer instead of beer) and I noticed two of the guys who work in our tech support/services area. They're standing around our old fax machine (we just got a new one last week), which is now on a cart. One of the guys is bending over the machine, his head by back of the machine, but he is facing away, so his ear appears to pressed to the vent on the back. Neither of the guys are looking at me. It was so horribly tempting to sneak up to them and whisper, "If you listen closely, you can hear the voices telling you what to do."

Turns out he was just looking for the serial number. I overheard them talking on my way back from the printer. Too bad. The other way would have been way more interesting : )

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Hi Deb! : )
What I've found is that people sometimes don't find my sense of humor all that funny, particularly in that kind of situation where they don't even realize they're doing something that could be funny. If I'd known them, I might have said something like, "Gee, it looks like you're listening for something." But I probably wouldn't have gone farther than that, just to avoid the blank looks and frowns of displeasure. They might have thought I was making fun of them, not the picture they presented.

Now, if it was you or Ed or someone who I knew really well, then yeah, I probably would have said it.