Thursday, January 06, 2005

Oh, crap. I'm a bad captain...

This quiz thing (see below) picked me to be Captain Janeway. I really didn't like her. I remember being all excited when I heard that there was going to be a female captain, and when I watched the show, it was just eh. I wonder what it is that makes me Janeway instead of say, Picard. I couldn't be Kirk. I know that. If I was under his command (Oh, yeah...but let's be clear we're talking about Kirk from the SHOW, NOT the movies), I would be a nervous wreck. I'm the biggest of rule followers and wait-what-if-we-screw-up-the-universe-with-this-rash-decision type thinker. I could never be a leader like Kirk. He's in some ways the Bad Boy Captain. I would have utterly failed the Kobyashi Maru because I don't think "outside the box" enough. Instead, I make up stories about the box and why it is the way it is.

I guess I don't know enough about Janeway to know if that's how she was too or not -- a rule-follower, I mean. I was annoyed by her relatively quickly and stopped watching (I don't even know if they ever made it home -- how bad is that?!? Did they? Someone let me know, please). She was so freaking uptight all the time, like she had to keep such close control over her crew lest they mutiny. Oh dear, what does that say about me?!?

*Sigh* Picard was cool. Can't I be Picard? He was funny, erudite, knew when to follow the rules and when to bend them just a little. I think the use of erudite correctly in a sentence should qualify me to be Picard. Don't you? : )

My friend and fellow sci-fi/romance author, Linnea Sinclair, has these very funny t-shirts that say, "My name's 'No, no, Bad Captain!' What's yours?" It just cracks me up every time I read it.

janeway wallpaper
You are Captain Janeway!One of Starfleet's finest Captains, your style is
unique in that you encapsulate the spirit of
the Federation's highest ideals. Out in the
Delta Quadrant, you came across more unknowns
than any other officer in Starfleet. Your
victories over the Borg Queen several times, as
well as species 8472, have marked you as one of
the most innovative Captains in Starfleet
history. This is partly due to your ability to
think "outside the box" . Your crew
will not only die for you, they will and have
been to the ends of the Galaxy with you.Congratulations!
*view fullsize backrounds here:

Which Starfleet Captain Are You?
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