Thursday, January 20, 2005


I'm taking a day off to stay home and finish my read-through of Zara Book II. Though seeing how my concentration has been at home, I might have to go somewhere to do this. Plus, we're having friends over for dinner tomorrow night, and I'll need the extra time because I'm cooking.

No, that's not a joke.

I can cook some things. Just because they mostly involve grilled cheese, canned soup, and disposable plates and silverware is no reason to laugh. Okay, actually it is. But this time, I'm making Shirley's Chicken, which I've made before and it's turned okay. I hope it does this time as well. Otherwise, I'll have to get Domino's number ready as a back up! : )

The whole point to this is that there will likely not be a blog entry tomorrow. Unless I'm suddenly inspired or despondent -- take your pick *grin* Otherwise, we will resume our normally scheduled ranting and raving on Monday!

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