Monday, December 12, 2005

Stacey blah, blahs about current projects...and fun stuff (at the end!)

Another chapter completed in the sequel edit! That means I've only got four more to go, and I'm already working on the next one. I knew these would take the longest. With the one I just finished, I ended up only keeping a little bit of the original text, so that meant about twenty pages of rewriting.

I've been trying to teach myself techniques to move more quickly from book to book, as some other writers do. But I find it difficult. Half the fun for me is not knowing what's going to happen, so if I plan or analyze too much, it ends up being more of a chore than anything else. Unfortunately, writing without planning means I find my footing about halfway through the book and the end does not really resemble the beginning of the story in anyway. So, therefore, I consign myself to extensive rewriting and revising on nearly every book. The only exception to this has been the manuscript for Bitter Pill. That one originally came up very short, under 100 pages, and I knew it would. I could see where there were gaps in the story. So, going back in and adding subplots and scenes was relatively easy.

Don't get me wrong, I love the sequel, but I'm eager to move on to something fresh and new. I have a new Rennie idea that I'd love to explore, but I'm thinking I should put that on hold until I actually sell the first book in that series. Honestly, I haven't really tried. Sent out only four query letters, and then got preoccupied with the sequel. Plus I realized revisions were needed. But I already have a draft of the second book in the series completed (also needs revisions), so writing a third at this point might not be the wisest use of my time--though, I will do it eventually because I just love visiting Morrisville : ) What do you think about the twist of referring to her as an obituary writer (which she is) versus just a freelance writer (which is also true. She's a freelance writer who spents most of her time writing tribute articles, which are basically expanded obituaries)? I'm thinking obituary writer might have more of a hook to catch potential interest. What do you guys think?

Mystery project is up next for revisions, and that's another one that's likely going to be tough to revise. Ugh. I'm working on bits and pieces of an outline, but since the idea involves very familiar types of characters, I'm working very hard to make sure these characters are different enough from what's already out there.

I've also got a fun idea for a YA novel, but we'll see where that goes.

And now...the aforementioned fun stuff:
-Check it out--Pat Kirby and Crissa Chappell have both responded to the meme from last week. You may have to scroll down to reach it. As always, I'm not prompt with my linking.

-Has anyone seen Brokeback Mountain? It may not be out until next week, I can't remember. I'd like to see it, but I've heard that ending may not be a particularly happy one. Therefore, I need to judge whether it's worth going to see and getting all upset over it : ) I don't like movies with unhappy endings unless they're really, really good movies and even then, I will only ever watch the movie once. So email me and tell me about the movie, but especially the end so I know what I'm getting myself into.

-New Battlestar Galactica episodes return on January 6!

-Check out this new book, Valiant, that I found on Barnes and Noble. Sounds kind of interesting but I'm hesitant to spend the money on a hardcover for an author I don't know. Anyone read this book or this author before? (The link I'm providing is to the excerpt which is pretty interesting, I think.)

-Also, when you have a second or you're bored at work (I'm sure that never happens to you!), check out this site: It's only happy news. After weeks (well, let's be honest, months) of surfing and on a daily basis, this site was a relief. And it's a cool idea, I think.


Pat Kirby said...

I haven't made it to VALIANT yet, but Holly Black's TITHE is on my keeper shelf.

I like Black because her portrayals of young people aren't all sugar and spice; the Fairy folk (elves) aren't all goody-goody. etc. Gritty realism without going overboard, because it is YA. Fun.

Stacey said...

Beck, that's exactly what I'm talking about! Really, the only place where she'd be referred to as an obituary writer is in the query letter and/or back cover blurb. Because truly that's not what she wants to be but rather what she's stuck doing.

Would you read a mystery about a frustrated obituary writer who keeps finding dead people? I think that might have more of a hook than a freelance writer who continually finds dead people. It also gives her a pretty solid reason to go poking around. And, if I remember correctly, people who are just starting out in journalism often get stuck working in the obits first.

Stacey said...

Pat, that's exactly what I liked about the excerpt. As a little treat to myself, I might stop by and pick up either Valiant or Tithe tonight : )