Monday, September 29, 2008

Chicago Area Writers--Plot class at College of Lake County

I'm notoriously bad at posting to let people know when I'm teaching, so I'm trying to do this ahead of time. I'm teaching a Saturday class on plot at the College of Lake County in Grayslake, IL on October 18, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. A description of the class is below, and here's a link to the CLC catalog. Class is listed on page 23.


It's a great story. You've developed it in

your mind from beginning to end. But

when your fingers hit the computer keys,

the plot just doesn't flow. It's difficult to get

the characters from one scene to another.

The dialogue seems stilted and the action appears

contrived. Never fear! Join author Stacey Klemstein as she demystifies

the concept of plot and breaks it down into more easily manageable

pieces. Writers will leave with tips, tricks and tools to help

create more interesting characters and a stronger storyline.

Cost: $59.00

4308 CWRT 18-001 0900A-0300 S GLC E124 10/18 10/18 KLEMSTEIN

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