Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Random thought for the day

I was weird kid. Not that this should come as any shock to you. But it recently occurred to me that one of the many awesome things about iPods is that they provide you with that background soundtrack to your life that has been missing up this point. You know, I always wanted heroic music to play when I was attempting something difficult. Now I can make it happen. And because the iPod tucks into your pocket and the earbuds (though painful and not awesome) are so tiny and discreet, it's about as close as you can get to having John Williams following you around, you know?

ETA: I'm an idiot for posting without actually reading what I wrote. Sorry for the typos. Most of them have been captured safely and returned to the wild.


phule said...

That is an interesting take on the whole iPod thing. I personally dislike walking around with my iPod. I feel like the information supplied by the noises around me are too critical to lose. (Not just safety concerns but real ambient noise: people, animals, etc)

I always looked at those charging around Chicago with headphones blaring as people hiding from interaction with the world. But I guess I only thought that because of my approach to iPod usage. Seems rather silly of me actually... hrm.

Stacey said...

Yeah, in certain situations, I feel really vulnerable if I can't hear someone or something approaching me out of my line of sight.

I don't listen to my iPod much at work, mainly because I DETEST being startled at my desk (especially when I'm writing the occasional personal email, which is ALWAYS when that kind of thing happens).

I was surprised on my trip to New York to see how many people wore headphones on the sidewalks and streets, far more with than without, from what I recall.

It's weird because the iPod gives you this sense of being there and observing but not interacting. I pay MORE attention to some things when the music is going because it's kind of like a game to figure out what's going on. Like watching television with the sound off.

But mainly I like it because it really does have that affect of creating a soundtrack around you, boosting your emotions, making you feel a certain way.

At least it does for me. And that's useful because I spend a great deal of time living in my head and sometimes that certain song or emotion provoked by a song just drops me right back into the story of whatever I'm working on or daydreaming about.

I don't know if that makes sense or not! : )

I see people walking around with their headphones on...and I'm envious if I don't happen to have mine with me. I like having that company, the soundtrack of my choosing. It's sort of like having "me time" without having to get away from it all.

Stacey said...

Ergh. "effect" not "affect" in the above comment. Sorry.