Monday, June 26, 2006

Mondays don't suck anymore!

Fought off a migraine on Saturday night. I was watching the last twenty minutes of Runaway Jury and starting seeing spots. *shudder* I don't think there's anything worse. My stomach tightens up with dread just from anticipating the pain.

My former boss taught me a trick for heading off most of the pain, chugging lots of caffeine as soon as you see the spots. I did it this time, and again, it worked. Of course, I've been off caffeine for like two or three years so two big glasses of Pepsi is a LOT of caffeine for me. I also took some of that Excedrin Migraine, which also has caffeine. So, the spots went away pretty quickly and the pain was less than it would have been, but man, I got NO sleep that night. : )

Head was still hurting on Sunday, but it was manageable.

Saturday was AuthorFest and that was a lot of fun, as usual. Saw some authors I know from years past (J.A. Konrath, Luisa Buehler, and Denise Fleischer--also the organizer) and met some new ones (Elysa Hendricks, among others!)

I also got some good news on Saturday. An author I asked to read Bitter Pill has recommended it to her publisher! So now I've just got to wait to hear back from the publisher. I'm excited and hoping for good news. : ) I'll keep you posted...


Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean about migraines. I get them very rarely, but when the aura hits (jagged lines, in my case) it's scary. I had one in May, and took Norco, a Vicodin type med I had left over from shoulder surgery. It fended off the headache, but I threw up all the next day! Definitely will try the caffeine trick next time.

Best of luck with the publisher!


Stacey said...

Thanks you guys! Evidently I need to reset my email with blogger because I had no idea anyone had commented until I actually checked out myself. Huh. This may be another issue for Ed, MOATT. : )

Yeah, I don't get migraines as often as I used to now that I'm off most caffeine. But there is just nothing like that horrible moment when you know it's coming!