Monday, June 19, 2006


Status: Still working at 9:47 p.m. (though I did take an hour break to watch The that Brenda. "Thank yewwww.")

Song on the iPod: "The Call" by The Backstreet Boys (yes, I should be ashamed, but it's so catchy!)

So I'm getting used to this whole working at home thing. I know, I know, it's been a couple weeks already. But last week I was in Wisconsin on vacation and the week before that my sister was here with me, keeping me entertained and on my toes.

To be honest, I was worried that I'd be tempted by television and books and the millions of things I could be doing instead of working or tracking down work. But what's weird is I've probably watched less television and spent fewer hours on the internet that I would have if I'd been at work. Don't get me wrong, I spend time procrastinating. But so far it's in the form working on backstory for the mystery project (Yes, the damn thing is still stuck, but I think I've figured out at least one of the major problems in it) or assembling four bookcases and putting together our little library here. So, at least it's productive, if not exactly in the right way.

Today I finished the handouts for my Writers Institute conference in July. Stacy G. is, I hope, going to proof them for me. I tend to leave out little words, like "an" and "the," and I don't always catch them right away when I'm the one writing instead of editing. And as the deadline is upon me, I've asked her to take a look at them.

I also figured out that the "party shuffle" feature on iTunes is pretty helpful for providing background music while working. Next I plan to see if I can figure out how to get the pictures off my digital camera. Yeah, I know it's been almost a year that I've had the thing. : )

Have to run...more work to do yet tonight. : ) I may, however, try to load my belated RT pictures on here first. We'll see if it works...

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