Monday, September 19, 2005

I'm baaaack : )

Got lots done over the extended weekend. Probably close to twelve pages on the sequel (would have been more if I hadn't written a scene that didn't belong in the manuscript...or at least, not at the point where I had it) and I got a large portion of my mystery outline roughed out on the white board. White boards are a blessing and a curse for me. It's somehow easier for me to sit down with a dry-erase marker in hand (mmm, fumes...just kidding) and put my thoughts out there. The very temporary nature of a white board seems to take some of the pressure off. But then I'm loath to erase it until the entire book is finished. Which means I need a lot of white boards. So far, I have two and both of them are now filled. *sigh* I have to work out a better system.

I've also started the real outline for the mystery project, trying out a new system to help me try to get my facts and details better organized. Basically, I'm just going through the existing book and writing a short summary for each of the scenes that exist and then also for the ones that I need to write in order to pull the whole thing together. Hopefully, this will enable to me to see plot holes and missing clues more easily. However, right now, as this is part of the rewriting process, which I HATE, I'm thinking everything sucks and I just hate the whole book. Nothing salvageable. It's all cliched and horrible--even though I still love the idea of the book. Some of that's just the process--a story is never perfect, nor is it ever as good as it is in your head. At least with me. It's never as rich or as detailed or as funny. I hope, of course, that as it comes together I can make peace with the fact that it isn't perfect but nor is it as horrible as I thought at first blush. I'm pretty sure I felt this way at some point with The Silver Spoon as well.

In other news, I didn't like Battlestar Galactica this week all that much. It seems they're trying to cue up some kind of romance between Dualla and Apollo, which only irritates me because it drags out the whole Apollo/Starbuck potential relationship. I did like the scene in the firing range, where Apollo and Starbuck had to work together to survive. Good partners, good team. Loved it. Maybe that's why the writers are steering us away from a relationship angle--they think Apollo and Starbuck are too good of friends (my gosh, that's got to be horrible grammar) to go that route. But I think that's, to use BG terminology, frakking ridiculous as Starbuck clearly fancies Apollo (see scene from Season One, where she imagines it's him in, intimate moment, instead of who she's really with) and that same episode where Apollo is so jealous of Starbuck's encounter with said other guy that he can barely see straight. Also, my favorite recapper on Television Without Pity, Strega, the one who does Battlestar Galactica, quit, so I won't get to hear her take on this whole Dualla/Apollo thing. : (

And for those of you who don't watch that show, the entire paragraph above just sounded like, blah, blah, blah, whine, whine, whine.

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