Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Fun with photos...not mine, but photos nonetheless!

Speaking of clean offices...

I always enjoy seeing what other writers' offices look like. Mine is normally a chaotic mess. Now that it's clean, it's bugging me (this is a common side effect for me when I clean this room, which is why I don't do it very often). Anyway, here are links to a couple of fun blogs, Megan Crane and Jennifer Crusie (another of my favorite authors), where the authors in question give you photographic evidence of the room where they work.

Megan Crane's office looks so cute and cozy. I love it.

Jennifer Crusie's office looks strikingly like mine at the end of a book. "A tornado, you say? No, I'm just in the last fifty pages of the fourth draft of a book that's killing me!" At least, that's what I say to people who ask.

Susan Elizabeth Phillips (another awesome writer and apparently a friend of Jennifer Crusie's) sent a photo to Jennifer's blog. I couldn't think in an office that clean...probably. I guess I wouldn't know for sure, never having tried it.

Hmm, I really need to figure out how to work my digital camera...

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