Monday, January 23, 2006

Monday Musings...

Four more queries in the mail today. One emailed last week. We'll see what happens. I'm curious to see if there'll be a difference between this time and last. The book is published now (which could either work for or against me) and it has reviews and blurbs to accompany it.

I'm trying the agent route first. Can't hurt, right? I'm contacting some of the various agents I've met and/or communicated with in the last couple of years. All the articles and magazines and such always tell you to go to conferences to meet agents and pitch them, but I've only done that a couple times. I'm a nervous wreck in person. I'm nervous when I'm just mailing the query envelopes! But that truly is the best place to meet them and then, at least, you've got an opening line to your query letter later. It has helped being published over the last year because it takes some of the pressure off. I could talk to them as just a person instead of "THE PERSON WHO COULD HOLD THE FUTURE OF MY CAREER IN HIS/HER HANDS." Yeah. I never said I was normal.

There are also a couple of good publishing companies that I'd like to investigate. So, I'll be working on that as well.

Other good news includes that Becky D. has finished reading her copy of the untitled sequel to The Silver Spoon (which is being called Eye of the Beholder in all my query letters *grin*) and says, "WOW!" Among other things, of course. So, I'm taking that as a good sign!

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