Thursday, January 26, 2006

Random Stuff

Hypochondriac much?
I have to stop watching medical shows. Lately I’ve been watching the National Geographic Channel and TLC, both of which have programs like Medical Incredible, Mystery Diagnosis and The Man Without Skin. On top of this, two of my very favorite programs at the moment are Grey’s Anatomy and House (which has just disappeared because of American Idol, which I hate with a passion—what is up with that?) All of this convinced me that my normal stomachache yesterday (well, normal for me, it’s a weird little pain that nobody else seems to get but it’s been happening to me about once or twice a year for close to twenty years) had to be a bleeding ulcer. You know, like the one that patient with the annoying family had on Grey’s? And the woman that Chase killed on House? Yeah. Less television, more peace of mind.

Rant on bathroom hygiene…
Ladies, you’ll appreciate this. Yesterday, upon entering the bathroom, I nearly collided with a woman exiting the stalls. We did the awkward smile and dance around each other before going our opposite directions. I couldn’t help but notice, though, that she then left the bathroom WITHOUT washing her hands. Aside from the whole grossness factor of that, wouldn’t you wash your hands just for appearance’s sake? I can’t be the only one who pays attention to such things. I’m so never shaking hands with her. Every time I see that woman, I will now think, “There goes that woman who doesn’t wash her hands.”

Also, I know the practice of “hovering” garners much debate, but regardless of how you land on this issue (ha!) I think we can agree that those who hover should take a lesson from men and learn to aim just a little better. Or at least clean up after yourself. Good grief. I’ve used a men’s bathroom in a fraternity house (long story) and seen cleaner stalls. Also? They put those paper toilet seat covers in the stall with you for a reason. Hovering is really not required.

Book stuff
No news on the query front yet, but it’s early still.

Have to run now. Need to be in the office by 8:00 tomorrow. Ugh.


Eddie said...

Stacey, you will appreciate this joke then:

2 men meet in the park and one asks "How are you feeling today". The other gentlemen responds, "Oh, I feel fine ... Though if I felt this way 20 years ago, I would have thought I was dying."

Stacey said...

Yeah, inadequately washing hands (i.e. the dip and run) is equally gross! I'm with you.

Stacey said...

Ed, I like that one!!! : )

There's also this one. A hypochondriac finally dies of old age. On his tombstone, the inscription reads, "See, I told you so!"

Or something like that...