Friday, March 10, 2006

Get this...

-Last night, I went to the Jewel to pick up a few things and I noticed that they had a new pin pad thingy for your credit card (because I'm weird and notice things like that). When I confessed my surprise that they hadn't chosen the model with the screen and the (annoying) pen-like device for signatures, the cashier pointed me to something better. Now, apparently, you can pay at the Jewel with YOUR FINGER. It's true. You go to a kiosk in the corner and give it all your bank info and then it takes a picture of your finger. Then, when you go through the check-out line, you just scan your finger on this little device next to the pin pad thingie and it checks it against the previously taken photo of your finger. How wild is that!?!

-Many of you know of my great apathy toward the Olympic games. I'm one of the few people rolling their eyes at the utter lack of new programming on other stations, just because said stations assume that EVERYONE is watching the Olympics. I can't be the only one who is just not that into them. Now, I find out that there's a reason why. They're not being held on Hoth. Check this out--one guy's way of trying to make the Olympics interesting again. Now this I would watch.

-Enceladusians? Enceladutians? Don't know, maybe they should have picked an easier name for a moon that has water and could, theortically support life forms that would then have to bear the name of their planet in some form. I realize that they're probably like microbes or whatever, but still. Martian is much easier. Also, yea for NASA, they made it into orbit. One of the cool things is that they'll be using this mission to look for water and possible landing sites for human exploration in the future. Neat!

Have a good weekend everybody!

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