Sunday, February 08, 2004

Okay, I missed yesterday. Sorry! Saturday around my house is always a little slower than the rest of the week. It's like after all the frenetic activity from Monday through Friday, we become sloths on Saturday. Or at least, I do!

Which reminds me. I finally get the whole Hugh Hefner pajama thing. Not why he wears them--eew. But the whole pajama-wearing feeling. This sounds bizarre, I know, but stick with me on this one. Okay, pajamas are usually the most comfortable piece of clothing that you own, right? Well, never in my life have I ever spent the whole day in my pajamas (excepting a bout of flu here and there, and even then, I think I got up and put sweat pants on.) When I was a kid, we'd wait until the last possible second to change into our clothes on Saturday mornings. But inevitably we'd scramble to get dressed before our dad got home to bust us, still in pjs and watching cartoons at 11:30 in the morning.

And then came high school, where you couldn't possibly take the chance that someone might come by your house or even drive by the window and glimpse you still without your make-up and your hair flat and unsprayed (hey, I went to high school in the late eighties, early ninties. Bigger hair was better hair. Aqua net loved us!) And college, yep, we rolled out of bed without showering (remember, the 90's were grunge!), but it was always to get dressed for class or get food at Jesters (the cafeteria in the student union, weird name, huh?) And now as a member of the working class, I still trade in my khakis at the end of the day for a pair of jeans, instead of nice soft flannel pajamas.

Okay, what's my point? I've discovered that I love spending the day in my pajamas. It's sinful, an indulgence. I love going out to the mailbox with my coat over my pjs to retrieve or put out the mail. I'm announcing to my neighborhood--yes, I am a sloth on Saturdays and you can't shame me into changing my clothes! I am a writer who cares more about spending time behind her computer than personal hygiene (okay, not really. But it may look like that if you see me early enough on a Saturday morning). I think it's great when people call and say stuff like, wow, I can't believe how cold it is outside. And I can say, huh, I wouldn't know. I haven't been outside today!

It's such a luxury, not to have to go anywhere. To quote Ferris Bueller, "I highly recommend it." I can't remember what part of the movie that's from, I think he's talking about the car they're stealing, but the quote still applies.

So, everyone, stand up for your rights. Turn down some of those Saturday activities every once in awhile and spend the day in your pajamas. Don't reseed your lawn, don't shovel your driveway (especially not in the same season), lounge on your couch and watch old Star Trek episodes with the family. Or, fine, clean out your closet, but do it wearing your pajamas! Live the life of the privileged (or possibly, unemployed) for one day!

Okay, that's it : ) Though, I feel I should have a disclaimer on this to say, that I am in no way trying to imply that unemployed people sit on their sofa all day. I would, probably, for the first week or so, at least. Which is why it's good that I'm still employed (at least as far as I know.)

Coming book marketing theme, developed in my class! I'm very excited about this.

Talk to you tomorrow!

This blog is intended to convey humor, not social commentary. All offended parties must fill out forms stating their complaint in triplicate and turn them into the Department of Motor Vehicles. (Cause that would really make their day)

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