Thursday, February 12, 2004

On an un-related note, I'd like to respond to Ed's blog about blabberitis with a similiar disease that I've discovered in married men. It's called "deleteitis." Symptoms include: a convulsion in the index finger over the "delete" button when their wife's voice is heard on the answering machine or voice mail. Many, many messages are lost, along with the valuable time of the wife in leaving said detailed message, to the husband's deleteitis. Not to mention the aggravation of the wife's condition (exasperationitis, leading to complete loss of sense of humor) when she is forced to repeat herself all over again when husband returns the call asking, "What did you want?"

To quote Ghostbusters, the best movie of all time: Venkman: "We need to get these two together." Eagon: "That could be highly dangerous." : ) Wives don't need to leave shorter messages; men need to listen longer!

Talk to you tomorrow!

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