Monday, April 26, 2004

More newsletter stuff.

Tomorrow, I plan to register GalaxSHE (thanks again, Heather, for the title!) with Yahoo Groups. I didn't hear anything from anyone on my whole "she" self-centered fear so I'm guessing that means I was just being paranoid again : ) But just to be sure (see, that paranoia's at work again) I'm going to run the description by you guys before I submit it to Yahoogroups for registration.

Title: GalaxSHE: Candya$$ heroines need not apply.
Description: Tired of wimpy, screaming female characters? Then, this is the newsletter for you! GalaxSHE is a monthly newsletter for readers and writers who love strong heroines. Features include: rants and raves about fictional heroines, writing/publishing tips, contests and giveaways, and book, tv, and movie recommendations for those seeking more examples of kicka$$ heroines. Plus, the latest book and event news from author Stacey Klemstein --


What do you think? It's just a rough draft, so changes are definitely not a problem. Send me an email --

Talk to you tomorrow!

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