Friday, April 16, 2004

To Do List
In light of yesterday's epiphany, I've created for myself a heck of a to do list. I kept thinking that I really needed to wait to start promoting until my book was actually out. But I'm really thinking that's not the case now. On the top of my list is creating either bookmarks or postcards with the cover on them so I can hand them or mail them to all the nice people who ask for them or details about my book. Nice people, please ask for details. : )

I'm also working on updating this website, which you won't see until everything is finalized and I'm ready to publish the site again. My friend, Ed, has offered his services, thank goodness, to help me do that once more when I'm ready. Thanks Ed!

More good news...registration is now open for my creative writing class! The description is posted on the Bloomingdale Park District's web site. Click on the text link "online brochure" and then under the "Adult" section, select "General." I'm hoping enough people will register (at least four) so the class will be able to take place. If this goes well and there's interest, I may do an online version of the class through email sometime later this summer. So, if anyone's interested, let me know,

Okay, it's a beautiful Friday and I have a huge list of things to do : ) But for once, I'm excited about doing all of them!

Talk to you on Monday!

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