Friday, July 15, 2005

Happy Battlestar Galactica Friday!!!

And a slightly early "Happy Harry Potter Day" to you as well. I'm kicking myself just the tiniest bit for not being motivated to go out and sit in the Barnes and Noble tonight to pick up my copy. But that'll be nothing compared to my reaction tomorrow morning if I find out they're all sold out!!! You'll be able to hear my scream from your home, no matter where you live. I'm quite certain of it.

But you see, I also can't go to the bookstore tonight because despite Tivo's 90% reliability, I can't take the chance of missing the season premieres of SG-1 and Battlestar Galactica! I'm so excited.

I'm taking off out of here a little early to make sure I'm home in time to be comfortably settled on my couch.

Have a great weekend everybody.

Number of days until house closing: 14

Number of boxes packed: Um, do the ones we never unpacked from last year count?

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