Monday, July 25, 2005

Where to begin?

You know the hardest part about these road trip write-ups is that I'm usually so tired from whatever is I've been doing it's difficult to summarize what happened and make it even remotely interesting Right now, I'm tired after working all day and I think I'm getting sick too. *sigh* My throat is sore, so it hurts to talk or swallow.

I think I'll settle for a quick summary, at least for the time being. I had a great time, as usual, at Writers' Institute. I met all kinds of cool people (Evelyn and Tara, if either of you are reading this, email me, okay?!? I didn't get your email addresses) and learned a bunch of good stuff. Again, I've learned the key to this kind of thing is "having drinks" with people. I'm not much of a drinker, not because I'm against it or anything, but just because I'd rather have water or soda. But at these events, people are forever going out to have drinks and you know's really fun! Something about the social aspect combined with the love of writing just makes the conversation flow.

The panel went well, I think. It was called "Formula for Success: How we went from unpublished to published." I enjoyed hearing all the different perspectives from the other people on the panel. I'd like, though, I think, the chance to teach a panel myself. I love teaching/talking about writing stuff and I felt there wasn't enough time to get into any of nitty gritty details.

I also had a fantastic time chatting with Beth Finke, another Chicago writer. Beth is amazing to me because she's a great writer (check out her memoir, Long Time, No See) and she's blind. I think about how down I get on myself and how difficult I can make things for myself. But to keep writing, despite how difficult it must have been for her (especially before voice recognition software), that shows such a love for writing and a dedication to it...and definitely puts me to shame. Beth had some terrific ideas for marketing and also gave me a much-needed boost in confidence by reassuring me that I was doing pretty well so far in my new career. *grin*

I also got some help on my logline difficulties with a session from Laurel Yorke, and I've got a new technique to try out with Karen Wiesner's "First Draft in 30 Days" process.

I come back from these things with my brain all full of ideas and new things to try. Despite feeling sick, I feel refreshed and re-energized when it comes to writing. I've ordered three new books, based on the seminars I took, and I can't wait to get them.

Okay, that's it for tonight. I think my fever may have returned. So, I'm going home. : ) More tomorrow...

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