Monday, April 18, 2005

Big Brother is watching me....

Last week in preparation for my trip to Valpo and my upcoming trip to St. Louis, I bought and activated I-Pass for my car. Believe me, I looove the convenience of being able to drive through the millions of toll plazas in Illinois without stopping or fumbling for the right change, but it creeps me out that "someone" can tell where I've been at any given time. When you register for I-pass, you have to give them your name, address, etc, plus the license plate on your car. I would imagine that everytime you pass through the toll booth, a computer somewhere records it. I wonder if the police use it yet to try to track down people.

*shudder* If I were criminally inclined, I'd be very worried right now...

1 comment:

phule said...

Yes, the state police have subpoenaed the records from IDOT on a number of occasions already.