Monday, April 11, 2005

Washing Machine Incident and other stuff...

I missed blogging on Friday. Our washing machine went into melt-down mode while washing a load of much-needed laundry. So, I stayed home and argued with the Sears folks about the machine still being under warranty. Still, the earliest they can get someone out here is April 18. Aaack!

In other news, I put in five or six hours of writing on Friday and another five or six on Saturday and finished a rough draft of my current project! This is not a Zara Mitchell or Rennie Harlow story, but something completely unrelated to either of them. I'll put together some more details as I work through revisions. Actually, I have to figure out what needs to be fixed before I can work on revisions, but you get the idea! I'm really excited about it.

As a reward for finishing the draft, I vegged on Saturday and watched a lot of Tivo'd television. Apparently, it was a Roswell Friday on Sci-Fi, so Tivo picked up five of those episodes for me. I watched a couple of those and re-watched Veronica Mars. I want to know who killed Lilly Kane, darn it! The clues are coming fast and furious these days, and I have the feeling I'm just not seeing it.

I'm trying to read The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It's funny, laugh-out-loud funny, but sometimes I feel like I'm missing stuff or my brain has to work too hard. The Improbability Drive, for example. Huuuh, what? I know, it's supposed to be funny, but as many people will tell you, including my husband, I'm very a literal thinker. I find myself stopping to try to reason through things in this book that, I have the feeling, aren't supposed to be reason-able. But it's definitely made me laugh, so it's been worth it for that!

And finally, for my fellow CSI fans, I found this Slate article that attempts to explain Grissom's appeal to female viewers. Obviously, Warrick and Nick are nothing to sneeze at, but apparently, there's a huge female Grissom following. I have to confess...something about the character is extremely appealing. His intellect, his passion for his work...his obssession with bugs. Hey, everybody needs a hobby! Anyway, check it out and see what you think : )

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