Thursday, April 28, 2005

Greetings from MO

I bought internet time to check my email and have some money left in my account. I have no idea if it will eat my money or give me change, but I decided to go ahead try to use some of it by creating a blog entry. RT is crazy, fabulous but crazy. Hey, they give books away for free here!!! I'm taking a break from the masquerade ball. My costume? An author who didn't bring a costume. Heh. In other words, boring black dress.

But I've met all sorts of cool people and I will, of course, be putting together a full entry on it when I get back. Or maybe tomorrow if my money holds out!

Writers are some of the best, nicest people in the world and to quote Forrest Gump, that's about all I have to say about that : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think switching from Fuzzy Navels to Nutty Irishman will make a definite improvement to your writing career, doncha' think? :-) And for those of you scratching your head in wonderment, just take it that you had to be at RT to understand... fully.

Hope you arrived home safely, Stacey! And congrats on the sales at the book fair! Hugs, ~ Linnea