Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I used to be thinner, better looking and smarter...no, really.

It's true. I've been going through some boxes in the basement--ones that we've now carted around to three houses and never opened. I found some old pictures from college. It's impossible for me to believe I was ever that THIN. And at the time, I know I was worried that I was getting fat, the freshman fifteen. Not to mention the definitive lack of wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes and general downward tilt to the mouth. I looked more...sparkly back then. Now, I just look tired and old(er) even though I feel pretty much like the same person on the inside.

I also found a box with some old English papers in them. Damn, I used to be pretty good at that. I used to be able to string together whole sentences--long ones too--with four syllable words in them. Working has destroyed this ability. When you write for the general public, you have to write at about an eighth grade level--I'm being serious--to ensure that your audience will understand you. I'm not even sure I could think that hard any more. Do you think I should get workman's comp? I swear, thanks to working, my intelligence is hitting a downward spiral. Soon, I'll just be publishing blank entries here...

I want to walk around and wave those English papers around at people and shout, "See, I used to be smarter than this!!!" Of course, doing so would probably not prove my point...or maybe it would : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels the "I used to be smarter" thing. I swear, working has atrophied my brain...I, too, look at old college papers (heck, even old high school ones) and marvel at the fact that I actually wrote them. I miss being smart -- but hey, in exchange I get to be scatter-brained, bitter and exhausted. Woo hoo.

Stac ;)