Tuesday, June 28, 2005

So much going on...

The first thing I want to say is...I had a good day! I don't even remember the last time I said those words. But I had a good day today. I'm trying right now to figure out exactly what caused it, but I'm thinking it's probably a combination of things. I went to bed early last night and woke up feeling pretty rested. I also got up even a little earlier to get a little more writing done without feeling as rushed. Then I went to work, already feeling good, singing along with my iPod. Then when I got to work, I did a little bit of stuff, then went out to lunch with a co-worker friend. When I came back, I had project management stuff waiting for me. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy the project management aspect of my work. I don't get to do it anymore after the restructuring of a year ago. Right now, I'm just filling in, illicitly, for an out of town project manager. And I enjoyed it! I felt valued and like I was contributing and making a difference and using my knowledge. Wow, I haven't felt like that in...ages!

So, now I'm on my way home, going to pick up Boston Market (thought about abbreviating that, but I figured some people might interpret BM wrongly *grin*) for dinner. Yea! Here's hoping I can figure out exactly what it is that made this day a good one because I'd like to have another one soon!!!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Nope, I don't particularly care for their sandwiches. We always get the meals so we have leftovers for the next day! : ) But I hate it when restaurants change my favorite meals. Quiznos got rid of my favorite sub (the original turkey) and Ruby Tuesday's changed my favorite sandwich (turkey on toasted garlic bread) to be atkins-friendly!!! Argh.