Tuesday, October 05, 2004

The internet ate my blog...

I wrote an entry last night...but as I tried to publish it, something went kaplooey and it didn't save or publish. Oh, well.

Basically all I said was something like this:
A friend referred me to the A9 search engine and told me that she'd found some stuff under my name. So I did the search and found out that the this blog, the one you're reading right now, is listed on a website called: www.authorsblogs.com. I don't know how they found me, but how cool is that?!? So, you can check out the link above to find out authors who are blogging about their writing/publishing experiences. I just think it so weird how everything is connected on the internet. My book is listed on sites that I've never been to, my blog is now on this webpage, etc. It's like the ripple effect...except with computers and the internet instead of...well, rocks and water. You get the idea : )

Also, don't forget...tonight is Local Author Night at the Deerpark Barnes and Noble from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Please stop by if you have time. It's free and open to the public and you don't have to buy any books...unless you want to : )

In the eaten blog, I also talked about writing a teen novel. Some of my favorite books are in that genre, almost all the Meg Cabot books, the Harry Potter series, and one of my favorite books that I reread about once a year, The Only Alien on the Planet by Kristen D. Randle. It actually has nothing to do with aliens, suprising given the title and my interests. But it has a very engaging first-person female narrator and I love the story. Most libraries probably have it or you can order it online if you're interested.

Just something I'm thinking about, I guess...It would be nice to write a book I could share with some of the kids I've talked to in the schools, something age appropriate. But we'll see...

Talk to you tomorrow (or perhaps later today!)

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