Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Thank you!

Huge thank you to the Deer Park Barnes and Noble for including me in Local Author Night. There were at least ten authors there and a LOT of people coming in and checking out the books. Thanks so much to Heather and Rob, Ed and Deb (and baby to be), Jeanine and Lauren, my husband and, of course, Stacy G. for stopping by to visit! Everyone who came by was super nice and several people had great compliments for my book cover. Oddly enough though something about it must trigger the idea that it's a mystery because that's usually the first thing people say when they pick it up. "So is this a mystery or...?" *grin*

I also got another good review for The Silver Spoon -- yea!!! I'll post more about that tomorrow. Time for me to head for bed : ) I'm tired. And I still need to watch Veronica Mars, one of my new television obsessions, but more about that another time...

Talk to you tomorrow!

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