Tuesday, February 01, 2005

My iPod REALLY likes Enya....Me? Not so much.

Well, that's not quite true. I like Enya. I find her music very relaxing. I put her cds on my iPod, thinking it might be a good thing to have on a long, tense plane ride (if it's a plane ride, it's automatically tense for me *grin*) or if I'm having trouble relaxing enough to sleep. But it's not the kind of thing I want to listen to on the way to work when I'm trying to stay in an up mood, at least until I walk in through the door here (there's no hope beyond that). Yet, my iPod insists on playing something from her every other other song. I put it on Shuffle, which is supposed to be random, but Enya comes up all the time. I was entertaining myself last week, imagining that iPod was some kind of high-tech, sentient mood ring device. But instead of playing music to reflect my mood, it was playing whatever music it thought I needed. The message, in this case, RELAX.

Then yesterday, I found this article about the very thing..."Does your iPod play favorites?"

Turns out I'm not the only one wondering about this phenomena.

On a related note, it's been a lot of fun playing around on iTunes, looking for all the songs that I really liked but not enough to risk money on the whole album. Especially old songs. I'm kind of discovering some things that I never quite realized before. Like...Prince is naughty. I know that sounds dumb, but Prince was always on the radio when I was growing up. I was used to hearing him, so I wasn't really listening. I had no idea what he was singing about. But now...wow. I'm surprised. Though, one of my favorite songs in high school was Darling Nikki off the Purple Rain soundtrack (with the addition of Lady Marmalade, that now makes two songs about prostitutes on my iPod...huh, not quite enough for a trend, I don't think, thank goodness...) Yeah, I had no clue what was going on there either. One of my good friends from the CHURCH youth group actually introduced me to that song : ) Ahh, memories. That's one of the best things about music...instantly transports you, for better or worse, to a particular time in your past.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


One of my 80s faves was "She Bop" by good ol' Cyndi Lauper...of course, it was only in the late 90s when slow-on-the-uptake me figured out what the song was all about. Ditto for "Get Into The Groove" by my favorite kabbalist : )
