Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Blogger *mumble, mumble, swear, swear*

All right, we'll try this again. I apologize for my Good Friday post appearing three times. I've tried to go back and remove the two extras, but Blogger freezes every time. So, I'm going to have to leave it be for now.

A couple interesting things that I found today:

-The first books that I ever remember reading and really getting into were the Little House books. They're apparently going to be showing a few episodes of a new Little House on the Prairie show on ABC. If I can figure out when it's going to be on, I might check it out. I loved the original, but I'd be interested to see how they redo it. The original version was a bit Hollywood, I think, with a "lesson" in every episode for young viewers. However, now that I'm older, I find myself intrigued by the very notion of heading out into the middle of nowhere with small children and trying to survive. They've done a couple of really good reality shows on PBS about this. Frontier House is one of them, I can't remember the other. Meg Cabot also has a few things to say about this new show. I do think she's right. The new Pa's a little too good looking for my comfort! Course, maybe Michael Landon was too, I just was too young to notice such a thing. -

-Also, this about new dark chocolate M&Ms. I'm okay with movie tie-ins with products, fine and dandy, and I'm more than fine with more dark chocolate products--love it. But I think that Mars may have missed something in its understanding of the Force. Um, the dark side is not yummy and delicious. It's kind of evil. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to the dark side and all that. So what does that say about me, the consumer who prefers the dark chocolate M&Ms to the obviously non-evil milk chocolate version? I hate to overthink it, but I also hate it when marketing people don't think enough. Obviously, you're trying to entice Star Wars fans to buy M&Ms, otherwise why put Star Wars all over the wrapper? But if you know your obssessed-fan target demographic, you know that people aren't going to be too keen on being classified as choosing the dark side. You know what I'm saying? Just a thought, Mars Marketing People.

Concession Stand Teen: "Yes, Ma'am. What kind of M&M's would you like?"

Me: "Hmm. How about the ones that destroyed a Republic, slaughtered thousands of innocent (albeit fictional) people, endorsed human superiority over aliens, and brought about the downfall of the father of one of our culture's most famous heroes...with peanuts, if you've got them."

Um, yeah.

In other news, Stacy G. has given her stamp of approval to the synopsis! Yea!!! Beck also volunteered to read it for me, so we'll see what her take is as well. I hope to have this thing sent off to RuneStone shortly.


Eddie said...


Stacey said...

You are reckless! You have to wait, I think, until May. Maybe not, though. I don't know when the dark chocolate ones come out.