Tuesday, March 22, 2005

More fun reading...

Once again, I seem to be short on fascinating things to say (ha!) so instead I'll direct you to other people who have fascinating things to say.

Read Meg Cabot's review/recap of Spring Break Shark Attack, which aired on Sunday on CBS. I have to admit, I was kind of intrigued by the splashy (pun intended) promos. And because I thought, it can't possibly be this campy. New levels of campy were reached and not in the cool Buffy the Vampire Slayer sort of campy way. Seriously, I spent about five minutes watching the middle of this movie (as I tried to find the start of Cold Case, which due to basketball, was all messed up). You know it's bad when, less than thirty seconds in, you're rooting for someone, anyone to get swallowed up in a swell of bloody, shark-infested water. I couldn't believe that CBS had anything to do with this movie. It was like the soft porn version of that really bad movie of a few years ago with the sharks and the research lab...remember that one? I think Samuel L. Jackson might have been in it. At least until he got eaten. Not that I'm saying CBS is always the center of all that is good and wonderful about television. But this is way more FOX or WB than CBS.

Also, check out Suzanne McMinn's entry (Countdown to Cole) about doing research via cold calls and the interesting facts she learned about B and B's. I always think it's fascinating to get a "behind-the-scenes" look at what other authors do to create strong stories. And she's right. I HATE cold-calling for research answers. Most people are nice enough, once you explain that you're not actually going to do anything nefarious with the information. I had a very interesting conversation with an extremely understanding pharmacist earlier this year about whether you could drug someone without their knowledge by grinding up a particular pill and mixing in ice cream. Not to mention security measures and record-keeping processes that might or might not be in place at an independent pharmacy (versus Target, Osco, etc.) Oh, yeah, that's normal. : )

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