Tuesday, March 15, 2005

New lows...

In the last day, I have:
-purchased new socks so I didn't have to wash the ones I already own for work the next day.
-read the last few pages of an intriguing but possibly depressing novel while standing in the store to see if it ended okay. It didn't. I didn't buy it.
-ran bathwater but forgot to close the drain so all my glorious hot water slipped away and I was left to bathe in about two inches of lukewarm water.
-discovered the my palm pilot had somehow dumped everything I'd ever written or recorded in it. So I got frustrated and bought a cheap paper calendar to replace it. I'm so much better with pen and paper than something with such a little tiny screen and buttons that can so easily be pushed while it's floating around my ginormous carry-all bag.
-had to take ibuprofen just to be able to sit up straight because of back pain...I'm not even 30 yet !

This last one reminds me of one my earlier lows...an all-time stupid moment. I was preparing to fly back home after a business trip to either Texas, Georgia or New Orleans, I can't remember which, when I started making conversation with a couple of women who were sitting there, waiting for the same flight. I don't know how the conversation turned to this, but I somehow got on the topic of how my ears don't really pop like they're supposed to on the plane and it's really painful for me normally and even worse when I have a cold. At that moment, I was developing a cold and bemoaning the fact that I didn't have any decogestant. One of the nice women opened her purse and offered me pills, Sudafed. Okay, I'm not completely stupid. I checked the label on the packaging, I think, but it didn't say Sudafed. She caught me looking and said, "Oh, it's the generic."

So, here I am with these unidentified red pills and this nice woman who's given them to me. Do I hand them back and say no thanks, I don't take strange pills from people I don't know and risk insulting her? Oh, no, can't have that.

I took the pills. I took unidentified pills from a stranger I met in an airport. Jeez Louise, I shouldn't be allowed to cross the street by myself any more. Now, I'll grant you, this was before 9-11, so things weren't quite like they are now in terms of being suspicious of your fellow travelers. But still!!!! How dumb was I? And how lucky that the nice woman who gave them to me was actually just nice and not a psychopath?

So, kiddies, learn this lesson. Never take unidentified pills from a stranger in an airport. Always make them show you the label first *grin*

This concludes our "wow, I can't believe someone is dumb enough to do that" portion of our daily broadcast. : )

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