Thursday, March 24, 2005

A few more fun things...

Any one of these I could probably spend an entire entry on, but I'm running short on days and by next week, this will all be old news! : )

-Bugs! I saw the first flying bug this morning on my way to work. That means this horrible, cold weather is going to end soon, right? RIGHT?

-Check out this fun article about the fate of a character on LOST. It doesn't really contain spoilers as much as speculation, but what I find funny is that they include odds. Hmm, I wonder if Vegas is taking bets...

And finally, this is so cool! They've announced my visit to campus on the Valpo English Department website. I'm so excited!!! It's on the lower right hand side of the screen...The guy in the picture is Tim O'Brien. You know the one whose book I wrote a paper on in college!?!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone, and Happy Easter!

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